Bläeckfisk is the Swedish translation for the word octopus. I am not Swedish, but I do own a lot of furniture from Sweden and I like octopuses while admiring their multi-tasking ability. I would like to travel to Sweden at some point, plus I think it is a pretty cool looking word. Anyhow, speaking of words, I guess you could say that is why we are here. Words are the foundation for way we try to wrap our thoughts around everything in the galaxy. The tendrils that lead to emotions and curiosity. I am not here to solve the mysteries of the universe, just to discuss words in general. Specifically words written by other people and have been printed off and slapped between two slices of thin card stock. Many of these sandwiches go on to bigger and better things, some bigger and better than others. So, I guess we will be talking about those as well. If you share an interest in words or enjoi seeing what they can look like in action....välkommen! (Swedish for welcome.)

Friday, January 4, 2013

F25: Silver Linings Playbook-Directed by David O. Russell

"It's not my fault! Blame Ernest fu#$^&g Hemingway!"

This film may have been slow at parts, but is worth seeing. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are both at their best and play fantastic characters with a slightly damaged mental compasses. This movie really comes down to being a unique take on the love story and is set in modern day Philadelphia. 

Pat (Cooper) has just been released form a mental hospital where he has been "rehabilitated" for his  bi-polar disorder. We later learn that he has gone his entire life without being diagnosed, but after witnessing his wife and a co-worker playing patty-cake in the shower, Pat simply snaps. His character is charmingly focused on reconstructing his marriage now that he been released. Tiffany (Lawrence) is not far behind suffering herself from a tragic ending to her marriage and the two form an unlikely connection. The two begin to find comfort in each other's instabilities and off we go. 

I did like this movie and thought that Cooper did a great job of making you believe that he was mentally ill.  There were several scenes that were fantastic in which his character came apart at the seams. Not that I enjoy seeing the train come off the tracks, but Bradley Cooper's dynamic acting in this film is a big change from most of his other work (Hangover, The Words, Limitless) and his effort deserves some applause. Sprinkle in some vintage Robert De Niro as the OCD-Philadelphia Eagles worshipping father and you get a really enjoyable, albeit unorthodox, love story that I recommend checking out. Excelsior!
