"It's not my fault! Blame Ernest fu#$^&g Hemingway!"
This film may have been slow at parts, but is worth seeing. Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are both at their best and play fantastic characters with a slightly damaged mental compasses. This movie really comes down to being a unique take on the love story and is set in modern day Philadelphia.
Pat (Cooper) has just been released form a mental hospital where he has been "rehabilitated" for his bi-polar disorder. We later learn that he has gone his entire life without being diagnosed, but after witnessing his wife and a co-worker playing patty-cake in the shower, Pat simply snaps. His character is charmingly focused on reconstructing his marriage now that he been released. Tiffany (Lawrence) is not far behind suffering herself from a tragic ending to her marriage and the two form an unlikely connection. The two begin to find comfort in each other's instabilities and off we go.
I did like this movie and thought that Cooper did a great job of making you believe that he was mentally ill. There were several scenes that were fantastic in which his character came apart at the seams. Not that I enjoy seeing the train come off the tracks, but Bradley Cooper's dynamic acting in this film is a big change from most of his other work (Hangover, The Words, Limitless) and his effort deserves some applause. Sprinkle in some vintage Robert De Niro as the OCD-Philadelphia Eagles worshipping father and you get a really enjoyable, albeit unorthodox, love story that I recommend checking out. Excelsior!
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj5_FhLaaQQ
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